Design with style, function and affordability in mind.
Expert designers and skilled manufacturers ensure quality and durability in every product, collaborate from the first sketch and use of only durable materials that make products that last a lifetime. Case Furniture believe that design is not about fashions or trends but focus on beautiful functional products we want to own. With the ultimate goal being to craft timeless sustainable design.
Case Furniture founder,  Paul Newman, graduated in 1981 with a BA in Furniture from Hornsey College of Art. He began his design career in 1981 with two college friends in North London, crafting pieces for design clients. In 1988, Milan Furniture Fair awarded them a grant to showcase their stools and chairs. It was there Paul connected with Aero, an Australian chain with five stores, and they started producing his product range under licence.
In 1989, Paul’s entrepreneurial business acumen led to the opening of a UK franchise of Aero in Westbourne Grove, West London, selling an eclectic mix of contemporary furniture, lighting and accessories, across own branded product and international brands. With its adventurous and eclectic collection, Aero soon rose to prominence, and new investment saw Paul open a second London store on London's King’s Road. The business expanded and by 1998, Aero was a shop, retail and wholesale business selling to high end design stores. Paul exited Aero in 1999 and wholesaled to retailers until 2005, launching the Case brand in 2006.

The motivation behind Case was simple: to create authored product at affordable prices using modern manufacturing techniques and to strategically align with a retailer in each country. The initial product range included pieces by Matthew Hilton, Terrence Woodgate, Naz Kamali, formerly the creative director at Aero. These collections are now carried in some of the most prestigious retail stores across the world.